Created only for Weave event, this app is your one stop digital destination for all the latest updates. By installing the app you open doors to understanding the future of fashion retail, the future of business and moreover, the future of Raymond.
- Login to the App with Mobile number & password provided in Email
Welcome Screen
- User is greeted with a welcome message
Feeds Screen
- This is the default screen of the app on which all the updates of the event is displayed
Events: Sessions & Activities
- The detailed scheduled of the event is shown here.
- User can like an Event to get event specific updates
- Event detail screen has the detailed information about the event. The user can also checkin to the event based on Beacon/ Bluetooth. If bluetooth is switched on and user is in the designated region a checkin button will appear
Connected Screen
- The event has a touch screen, virtual store experience. User has to connect to the screen using this screen in the app. Users Bluetooth needs to be switched on. Using beacons, if a screen is nearby a connection is made to the screen and a welcome message, greeting the user is shown on the touch screen
Profile Screen
- Profile screen shows the persona information of the user
About Weave #FutureMakers
- This screen shows the information about the event
Social Feed
- Takes the user to the Twitter #hashtag for the event to catch the social buzz of the event
About Venue & Goa
- Shows the information about the venue & place
- Terms & Conditions and Help